all in all it was just a brick in the wall......

i guess that is how i feel about my new wall in life...the wall of being able to run. never ran in my entire life due to having severe asthma and allergies since birth. i was in and out of the ER so many times, i am surprised my parents remained somewhat back then, asthma relief was through primatene mist and/or a trip to the ER for a breathing treatment...these days, better inhalers are available, long term meds and you can do your own treatments at home.
most people that have childhood asthma will outgrow it by the time they are adults...or it at least greatly improves. not for is still pretty severe...i live on inhalers and meds to be taken daily if i want to breathe freely for the day. what can i say, it is life, my life. it has been this way since i was a child, so i do not know any different. though there are many physical things i can do without my asthma rearing its ugly head, running has never been one of them. minutes after i start i can feel my lungs tighten to the point of wanting to burst. i then feel like i am trap with only a tiny straw used to breathe out of....
so now i decided i wanted to start running for many reasons - mainly health and fitness, but mainly to see if i can learn to control my breathing and be able to run without having an asthma attack. plus, i am really fascinated with all the obstacle races being held - i love that kind of stuff. however, i also know to get to each obstacle, i would need to be able to run...and my favorite bootycamp includes a lot of running, i needed to get moving!!!!
i started using the couch to 5k app on my phone and really liked it and found it was a good pace for me to learn how to run...and learn when to slow down and breath. i know, it sounds so simple - but for us asthmatics, it is not. whenever, we start having an attack or feel we are losing control of our breathing - we then panic...which is an awful experience. one that i have endured many, many times in my life.
mind over matter eventually kicks in after the fear is gone...which is what has happened to me. i no longer fear running and know that i can do it with modifications of course. i also have found my pace that works for me and how to breathe properly - lots of deep breathing while on my walking warm-ups and while running i am constantly thinking about taking quality breaths and to never get out of breath...when i do, which does happen, i slow down to catch my breath - use my inhaler (never leave home without it) and move forward.
about 5 1/2 weeks ago - i stopped using couch to 5k and starting using jeff galloway's 5k app. i like it so much better!!! i love all the tips he shares along the program and gives you the option to change your run/walk ratio when you feel it is time to change rather than the app deciding when it is time, like couch to 5k.
one of best tips for running and learning your pace is that you should always be able to talk while running without huffing and puffing. it is normal to be out of breath when you are talking and running - but you should never not be able to speak. i keep that in mind when i run and make sure i say hello to everyone i pass as a check to know my pace is right. that tip alone also keeps my breathing in check - to ensure if i want to speak while running my breathing must be in control, as well. so far, so good. i now find the need to use my inhaler during my run/walk program has decreased and on some runs i have not needed to use it once - i have come a long way!!!!!
so, yes, my quest to learn how to run is happening. i must admit, i really do not like running at all, but i like the strength and endurance my body is getting as i get better. with that said, i find it funny that i actually cannot wait until my run days (i do my program 3 times a week), yet once i start i cannot wait for it to
of course, i am a slow runner - but that is ok, because i FINISH and never quit!!!!!
with each day of running, learning to control my breathing, increasing my pace...then maybe, just maybe i might start to enjoy my runs,,,eventually i WILL take all those bricks down left in the wall.