Thursday, October 11, 2012

you know where you can stick your perfect form....

ok - a little late, but yes i am finally getting to update you all that i did indeed finish my VERY FIRST 5K.  if you have been keeping up with my journey, you know i have never ran in my life due to my asthma.  i have been a severe asthmatic since birth and have never outgrown it, as most adults do...yeah, totally sucked for my parents.  lots of trips to the ER!!

after nine weeks of training three days per week with jeff galloway, he is an olympic athlete you know, my goal date of september 29, 2012 arrived.  my FIRST 5K event that i would be participating in as a RUNNER!

i was fighting a chest cold the week of the race, compliments of the little germ factories that live in my home.  woke up race morning and knew immediately it turned into bronchitis.  those who are asthmatics know this is never good and needs to be taken care of ASAP before it turns into pneumonia.  it is just the way our lungs work when an infection moves in.  in spite of this, i decided it was going to be mind over matter - which basically is what has been getting through all my training, and i was going to do the race.  i had been working most of the summer on my training and i was not going to miss it - even if it meant i would probably slow my pace way down and i might need more walk breaks.  plus, i was so nervous that i had that whole "flight or fight" thing going on, that i figured it was worth a try.  

so, at 8:40am, i walked over to the run - for my first 5k, i picked the one my church was hosting.  pure GENIUS!  i did this for a few reasons:

  1. it is our church
  2. it is two blocks from my house - so i could crawl home if needed
  3. the date - i started training late july, so september 29th was perfect
  4. i was praying to god and the angels to carry me over the finish
  5. and lastly, all the volunteers was members of the church - they lined the route, cheered you on, smiled and were just happy to see you.  love when people are all "churchy"
i found my place all the way in the back of the pack.  i was in fact, the very last person in the start line.  heck, even the lady with the double stroller was ahead of me!!  i did not care - i was going to follow my training and listen to my lungs of knowing when to slow down.  had my playlist on and the starting gun went off.  ironically, i found that i was ok - in my mind i was running slower due to my bronchitis.  i stayed on my target 2 minute run/1 minute walk.  as it turned out, i did not need any additional walk breaks.  i used my scheduled walk breaks to keep my breathing on target and use my inhaler as needed.  i ran all three inclines on the route - made me happy to do that.  there were no mile markers - just happy volunteers guiding the route and waving as you passed.  so i really had no idea how far i had gone and how much more i had to go.  then as i passed a volunteer he shouted out - "you are almost done!"  i looked up and indeed, there was my church in the distance.  one more incline to go - i ran it - passed the one and only mile marker "3"!!!!!!  i slowed to a walk just to use my inhaler, change my song on my ipod, then ROCKED it to the finish.  

throughout my training, my time for 3.1 miles was around 42-49 minutes.  imagine my surprise when i saw the big timer and it was 37.07 - my BEST time ever!!!!  BUT WAIT IT GETS BETTER!!!  the official times were not posted right away and i totally forgot about it until today when i went to their facebook page and it provided a link.  pulled up my name and my time was actually 36:53!!!  YAY ME!!!!!  not too shabby for the newbie!!!

here i am after the race with my kiddos - cuties :)  right after this, i promptly got my butt over to the minute clinic to get my much needed antibiotics for that case of bronchitis that was brewing!!!

running was just something i never thought i would ever do in my life.  it was not until i started going to my bootycamp class that included jogging, sprints, etc....  i wanted to take this class, i wanted to get stronger...i knew i needed to find a way to make it work.  started power walking again...then started little jogs here and there...learning for me was that it was all about creating balance between my pace and my breathing AND knowing it is ok to take my walk breaks to keep it under control.  with every 5k i enter now, my goal is to be able to run a little bit more and walk a little bit always, it is a journey.   just another brick in the wall.

along with pace, breathing techniques, and mind control...there is this little thing called form.  not having the proper form can hurt you and make what you are doing so much harder.  both my bootycamp instructor and my running trainer (jeff galloway - the olympic athlete..tehee) both have taught me form, especially in running.  few tips that really have made a different for me:

  1. your feet should NEVER literally POUND the pavement.  you should not sound like a clydesdale!!!  your landing should be a light fluid movement.
  2. DO NOT swing your arms while running or during your walk break - as it burns energy - energy that YOU NEED for your running!!!  this was a hard habit to break, especially when walking, but i make a point to check myself when i find myself swinging my arms.  your arms should remain at our sides.
  3. you should always be able to complete a sentence when running.  if you cannot not speak a word without gasping for breath - you are running too hard!!  i always make sure to give a greeting to anyone i pass on my route to make sure i can speak while running.  it is ok to be out of breath - but never when you cannot utter a word.
i found while on my route for the 5k, i heard a lot of feet pounding and i was wearing an ipod with my music blasting!!!  and they looked absolutely miserable.  i was so tempted to turn around and offer some friendly advice to make their running a bit easier - you know, sharing the love of what i learned, now that i have one 5k under my belt and am a  then i thought again, that maybe on a 5k it would not go over so well.  thinking i would hear the response "hey, mind your business bitch and stick that perfect form up your AZZZZ!!!!!"   HAHAHAHAHAHA - most likely i would have said the same thing if someone stopped me while i was running to offer some unsolicited advice!!!!  heheeeeee...

i may be the slow one in the back, but i am doing the BEST that i can for me.  i will get better and faster in time, but for now - relishing my win in doing something i NEVER thought i could or would ever be a possibility is pretty damn sweet.  i also had set a goal & reward system for myself.  goal = drive + motivation.  reward = power & Strength!!!

oh well - onto my next stop...tombstone 5K on october 20 - i get to run in a costume - YAY!

then, that bitch of a super spartan that is just waiting to claim my ass on a platter on october 28th!!!  oh my....

Thursday, September 27, 2012

what's on your playlist?

so here i sit...DAYS away from my "FIRST EVER IN MY LIFE" 5K race.

i am a nervous wreck.  i become more nervous each day...can i finish?  will i be the last person to finish?  will this damn chest cold that i have get worse?  will my pace be on or off???  will my asthma leave me the hell alone for this event???  good god, almighty - need to stop the insanity of my worries!!!  i am just going to toe up to the line and see what happens....

ok - time to make sure my playlist is loaded and in sync for saturday morning.  i am someone who needs motivation when exercising.  i am not the person who is one with themselves or their surroundings to perform,  I NEED SOME GOOD ASS KICKING JAMS TO GET ME THROUGH!!!!  or someone running next to me with some awesome neighborhood gossip to get my mind off the all running i am

so, in no particular order, here is who will be helping me get through the 3.1 miles. careful kids, a lot of these songs are a little explicit..... and my taste in music is obviously all over the place....heheeeee

1.  Lose yourself - Eminem

2.  Whatever - Godsmack

3.  Slither - Velvet Revolver

4.  Out Comes the Evil - Lords of Acid'

5.  Party Up - DMX

6.Everyone's a Winner - Hot Chocolate

7.  Freak - Klaas & Bodybangers

8.  Wild Ones - Flo Rida

9.  We Are Young - Fun

10.  Born This Way - Lady GaGa

11.  Staying Alive - N Trance

12.  Part of Me - Katy Perry

13.  Enter Sandman - Metallica

14.  Love Rollercoaster - Red Hot Chili Peppers

15.  It's a Long Way to the Top if you Want to Rock & Roll - AC/DC

16.  That's Not my Name - The Ting Tings

17.  Sexy and I know It - LMFAO

18.  How Do You Like Me Now - The Heavy

19. Crushed - Limp Bizkit

20.  Good God - Anouk

and to really get me through that last mile...when i need to dig my way out...

21.  Thunderstruck - AC/DC

22.  Dragula - Rob Zombie

23.  Top of the World - Van Halen

Friday, August 31, 2012

bricks in the adventure with learning to run

all in all it was just a brick in the wall......

we all have walls for one various reason or another.  some walls are busted down with dynamite, some with brutal physical force, and my current wall...brick by brick.

i guess that is how i feel about my new wall in life...the wall of being able to run.  never ran in my entire life due to having severe asthma and allergies since birth.  i was in and out of the ER so many times, i am surprised my parents remained somewhat  back then, asthma relief was through primatene mist and/or a trip to the ER for a breathing treatment...these days, better inhalers are available, long term meds and you can do your own treatments at home.

most people that have childhood asthma will outgrow it by the time they are adults...or it at least greatly improves.  not for is still pretty severe...i live on inhalers and meds to be taken daily if i want to breathe freely for the day.  what can i say, it is life, my life.  it has been this way since i was a child, so i do not know any different.  though there are many physical things i can do without my asthma rearing its ugly head, running has never been one of them.  minutes after i start i can feel my lungs tighten to the point of wanting to burst.  i then feel like i am trap with only a tiny straw used to breathe out of....

so now i decided i wanted to start running for many reasons - mainly health and fitness, but mainly to see if i can learn to control my breathing and be able to run without having an asthma attack.  plus, i am really fascinated with all the obstacle races being held - i love that kind of stuff.  however, i also know to get to each obstacle, i would need to be able to run...and my favorite bootycamp includes a lot of running, i needed to get moving!!!!

i started using the couch to 5k app on my phone and really liked it and found it was a good pace for me to learn how to run...and learn when to slow down and breath.  i know, it sounds so simple - but for us asthmatics, it is not.  whenever, we start having an attack or feel we are losing control of our breathing - we then panic...which is an awful experience.  one that i have endured many, many times in my life.

mind over matter eventually kicks in after the fear is gone...which is what has happened to me.  i no longer fear running and know that i can do it with modifications of course.  i also have found my pace that works for me and how to breathe properly - lots of deep breathing while on my walking warm-ups and while running i am constantly thinking about taking quality breaths and to never get out of breath...when i do, which does happen, i slow down to catch my breath - use my inhaler (never leave home without it) and move forward.

about 5 1/2 weeks ago - i stopped using couch to 5k and starting using jeff galloway's 5k app.  i like it so much better!!!  i love all the tips he shares along the program and gives you the option to change your run/walk ratio when you feel it is time to change rather than the app deciding when it is time, like couch to 5k.

one of best tips for running and learning your pace is that you should always be able to talk while running without huffing and puffing.  it is normal to be out of breath when you are talking and running - but you should never not be able to speak.  i keep that in mind when i run and make sure i say hello to everyone i pass as a check to know my pace is right.  that tip alone also keeps my breathing in check - to ensure if i want to speak while running my breathing must be in control, as well.  so far, so good.  i now find the need to use my inhaler during my run/walk program has decreased and on some runs i have not needed to use it once - i have come a long way!!!!!

so, yes, my quest to learn how to run is happening.  i must admit, i really do not like running at all, but i like the strength  and endurance my body is getting as i get better.  with that said, i find it funny that i actually cannot wait until my run days  (i do my program 3 times a week), yet once i start i cannot wait for it to  

of course, i am a slow runner - but that is ok, because i FINISH and never quit!!!!!

with each day of running, learning to control my breathing, increasing my pace...then maybe, just maybe i might start to enjoy my runs,,,eventually i WILL take all those bricks down left in the wall.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

totally ROCKED it!!!

motivation is golden...

recap of the last 24 hours....

last night - full hour of bootycamp (in the park).

this morning - bodyrock workout with sandbag (aka diaper bag filled with filled water bottles ~12 pounds) and dip station (aka my walker)

this afternoon - took kids to park - they played in the sand and i did FOUR complete set on the monkey bars!!!!!  love my new training gloves :)

this evening - 2 mile run/walk...increased my pace ratio to 2 min run/1 min walk and shaved 2 minutes off my current time....

take that biotches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012


i am interrupting my "bringing sexy back" blog to discuss a very important anniversary/milestone in my life.

one year ago today, i was filled with wonderful, happy, la-la land drugs and wheeled down a hall to an operating room.  two surgeons waiting to join me to start on my spinal fusion to my L5S1 disc.  i had DDD (degenerate disc disease) in this disc.  suffered with back problems for the last 20 years of my life...starting as very mild and manageable to completely unmanageable and debilitating.

and i did everything possible known to man to manage this problem of packs, heating pads, massage, stretching,  icy/hot pads, chiropractic, cortisone shots, etc....  the pain just became worse and consumed every minute of my day.  my back doctor told me, one day, my back would stop working...i was like, "yeah, RIGHT"!!!!  seriously, i am young, active, in good shape...whatever!!!!

well, that day did arrive.  about eight months after the birth of my son, i knew the meaning of your back no longer working for you.  i also knew, the only way to possibly fix it and relieve my pain was through a spinal fusion.  spinal fusions are only recommended in extreme cases...even my own back doctor never advises his patients to do this...except in my case.  apparently, i was the perfect candidate for this procedure.

hmmmmmmmm, i really did not want to get a fusion.  they are scary!!  long, painful recovery and the worst side could come out of surgery being paralyzed or in worse pain.  lower back spinal fusions had a real bad reputation.  hence, why i avoided it and kept on trucking.  however, even i knew a life on pain meds was not the answer.  yes, i lived on pain meds (excluding both my pregnancies - where chiropractic care came in the picture) they took away the pain and allowed me to function as a human being for the day.

after much thought  - real deep doctor and i both agreed waiting until my son turned one year of age before any surgery was considered.  my pregnancy and the birth of my son was pretty rough and my body needed to heal.  plus, i wanted to be in better shape for such a serious procedure - i had lots of baby weight to lose.

once my son turned eight months old, i did not think i could make it any longer.  as mentioned  earlier, my back stopped working for me.  here is a picture of me on our annual easter family brunch that i host each year.  awwww, it looks so cute, and it is.  basically, what i remember from this...after cooking and setting up the buffet table, i could no longer walk without holding onto a table, counter, person...heck, whatever was handy to support me.  when this picture was taken - my son was put into my lap as i could no longer pick him up or carry him.  after the picture, he was lifted out of my lap and someone assisted helping me stand up.

here is a dear friend of mine who helped carry my little guy around that easter holiday - he wasn't walking yet and he still was a baby, after all...a very large and heavy baby!!!  family is great!!!!  my husband was needed to assist me with trying to host a gathering of a large crowd.  so it was nice that i did not have to worry that my son wasn't be taken care of.

still, i knew i wanted to wait until my son turned one.  figured if i keep exercising and strengthen this area i could stretch it out another four months.  i did hold out for those four months, but a lot of things happened a long the way:

  • i could no longer pick up or carry my baby boy
  • i could no longer exercise, even simple light walking had me in a lot of pain afterwards and then finally, after a while on the treadmill, i could feel my legs giving out and not being able to support my back.
  • lifting, playing, running with kids was no longer a possibility
  • i could no longer carry a case of wine into the house from my car :(
  • i could no longer lay in bed with my daughter and read to her at bedtime - i would need to sit in a hard chair next to her bed.
  • after sleeping at night, the walk from my bed to the bathroom each and every morning was horrifying.   i would need to roll out of bed and crawl my way up to standing position and then would hang onto the dresser, wall, door frame, whatever to get me to the bathroom.
  • my morning routine was as follows:  eventually get myself downstairs, take my pain meds, grab my ice pack and go sit on the recliner chair.  i would stay in that chair for about an hour until all the pain went away and i could then get up and function for the day.  my husband would always bring the baby downstairs - get him changed, get my daughter breakfast - hand me the baby so i could give him his bottle.  i wanted that bottle time - he would soon be weaning off of it and i was NOT going to forgo these moments.  once he was fed, my husband would take the baby off my lap and set him down before he left for work.
  • pain meds is what got me through the day, to be as pain-free as possible and able to still take care of my family.  
  • anything that involved standing or sitting for long periods of time caused me to stiffen up so badly - that it would take a while for the pain to come back down.
  • and lastly, when i knew it was time to raise the white flag...just getting up from sitting in a chair could not be done unless there were armrests that i could use to support my weight to pull myself up.  even on my pain meds and being comfortable...still could not get out of a chair with ease...
so, a few weeks before my son turned one, i made that appointment with my doctor to get started with preparations to get my spinal fusion.  i was scared, nervous and hoping i had made the right decision and thought what ever was going to happen, was going to happen...if i come out of this surgery worse off, so be it.  at least i gave it a was my only shot.

here i am for my son's first birthday party, it was a baby jungle theme!  did my best to look and act happy, but i was in a lot of pain, all the time.  was on a serious regime of pain-meds to get me through each day :(

my doctor advised me to one of his colleagues, as he no longer performed surgery.  i was determined to meet with him and a couple other surgeons to help guide my decision of who would do this.  to my surprise, i never did meet with any other surgeons.  the surgeon my doctor referred me to was outstanding.  i immediately felt very comfortable and confident with him.  he providing me with such an education of my problem and that there was a newer procedure (last 15 years) that was highly successful with women of my age, shape, activeness, and L5S1 DDD.  it involved performing the fusion through my abdominal area!  you heard me correctly, through my tummy, not my back.  this particular type of fusion allowed for faster recovery, eliminated the chance of paralysis and was extremely successful with full recovery in one year.

i was totally "IN".  so much that i wanted it set up asap,  took about a month of paperwork with insurance, lab tests, x-rays, etc...but it was scheduled for july 12, 2011.  two surgeons would be performing this operation.  one to open my abdominal cavity and separate my organs to provide access to my spine.  then my back surgeon took over.  

my surgery took about four hours.  both surgeons were present at my bed when i two happy school boys...which even in my drugged state, i knew this meant the surgery went well.  and yes, it had....

recovery was tough and painful - but i was walking!!!  i was discharged from the hospital after 4 days - I was walking on day 3!!!  ok - assisted walking with two physical therapist and a belt to hold me up - but i could stand and walk!!  in order to be discharged i had to walk the stairs at the end of the hall - took some time, but did it!!  1 month of bed & semi bed rest.  no driving for the first month, no lifting over 5 pounds (one gallon of milk) for the first 3 months and physical therapy for 3 months.  and lots and lots of pain meds!!!  i was discharged with oxycontin and the highest dose for norco.

i came home with this new, bright, and shiny walker.  this was my best pal for about 1-2 months after surgery, especially in the mornings.  i have not used it for the last 10 months but  i keep it in my room as a reminder...of how far i have come...of course, the kids love playing with it...and lately, i have been thinking it will make for an awesome dip station for my workouts!!!

today, july 12, 2012 - what i CAN do:

  • lift and carry my little tank of a son - all 35 pounds of him, with ease!!!!!
  • on occasion lift my 50 pound six year daughter too, with ease!!!
  • my mornings are so much easier - i can get right out of bed and WALK to the bathroom
  • i no longer need my hour in the morning to ease the pain with meds and an ice pack
  • i can carry a case of wine into my house from the car!!!!  :)
  • i can lay in bed with my daughter to read stories, make-up stories and snuggle 
  • i can walk and jog (running is still not there for me...but will be)
  • i do BOOTYCAMP which includes burpees, planks, mountain climbers, etc.  though there were things i could not do when i started the class - i CAN now!!!!
  • i can dance, cook all day for holidays, jump and run with my little monsters
  • i plan on signing up for my FIRST 5k race in september
  • i registered for the SUPER SPARTAN race in me crazy, but life is an adventure when you have your back in check!!!

i would say i am about 95% pain-free at this time.  yes, i am fully recovered, but even my surgeon agreed, some us may never hit that 100%.  my pain meds are the lowest dose of norco and yes, i still need it in the mornings...but hoping one day to never need them again.  however, happy to be on such a low dose.

here i am today with my fabulous, crazy family!!! - and i am feeling good, not faking it and trying to mask the pain!!

thanks you for reading my ramble.  this is important to me - it is a journey

Monday, July 2, 2012


Totally my new motto to get through every day.  Getting back into shape has not been the easiest journey for me - but i am starting to see an impact - lost a total of TWO inches off my hips and TWO inches off my thighs - my total problem areas.  My waist is the next hurdle - but i will take this loss with knowing it came with a lot of hard work!!!

The clean diet is going so-so.  My biggest problem is limiting wine - i try and i try and i try - but at the end of the day, having a glass or two is just so nice.  Hoping to get 100% on a clean diet one of these days :P

Probably my biggest challenge that i just set for myself was registering to the "super spartan" obstacle race in october.  Why???  Because i am totally insane - or as my husband stated "it is all about getting muddy and drunk isn't it?"...yeah, pretty much, because yes, you get beer after you cross the finish line!!!  when i registered i truly thought i was signing up for the spartan sprint, the 3 mile run with obstacle course - imagine my surprise when i realize this is the next harder spartan race of 8+ miles of running and obstacles - well, as i said, i am in it to win and financially committed - so, now is the time to start training and make DAMN SURE I CROSS THAT FINISH LINE ON OCTOBER 28TH!!!!!!!!

Since february, i have been a faithful follower of my bootycamp class.  I have a love/hate relationship with it - and feel awesome every time i leave knowing i showed up and finished.  Even signed up for additional bootycamp sessions 2-3 times per week - INSANE!!!

We just entered into a two week break from sessions which is always my downfall of working out.  I have a hard time just doing the workout on my own and tend to blow all my good clean diet eating habits once we are off.  Let’s face it, if you do not like the exercise or it is hard - well, i usually just stop.  However, when i am in a class with 15-20 other women all feeling the same pain and struggles and they are doing it - you have absolutely no choice but to keep going - at least that is what works for me.  I need to feel pushed.  Also, after you get your ass kicked for an hour, the last thing you want to do is go home and eat a bag of cookies!!!

So, i am really trying to focus on this break and keep it going.  My fitness instructor gave us a circuit to follow three times a week until back in class.  We are to do the circuit 2-3 times.  Today, i did it 3 times and finished with a burpee thunderstruck!  Very proud of myself for the moment :D

What is a burpee thunderstruck - best 5 minute exercise that i also learned at bootycamp - no excuse that you do not have five minutes.  basically, turn on AC/DC's thunderstruck nice and loud - every time you hear "thunder" do a burpee without the jump - every time you hear "thunderstruck" do a full burpee with jump.  AND throughout the entire song you keep moving - whether you are jogging in place, squats, fast feet, etc....the key is to keep moving through the entire song which is just shy of five minutes in length.  If you complete it - when you finish you will have done a total of 32 burpees.  It is a killer, but i love it!  Even have my kids doing it with me - my son loves to dance to this song now and attempts at burpees with donkey kicks...too cute.

Here is the circuit i am doing this week - give it a try....

Monday, May 21, 2012

define clean.....

lately, it is all i hear.  a clean diet appears to be the new diet fad, or is it a fad?  clean diet this - clean diet that.  is your diet clean?  let's be all clean today?  how clean is your diet?  so, i ask...define clean.  i truly have no idea what a clean diet is....

of course i got google involved in helping me figure out how to "clean-up" my diet.  in a nutshell, here are the basic principals:

  • Eliminates refined sugar
  • Cooks healthy meals
  • Packs healthy meals
  • Makes healthy choices when dining out
  • Drinks a lot of water
  • Eats 5-6 small meals per day
  • Eliminates alcoholic beverages (or significantly limits it) 
  • Always eats breakfast
hmmmmm, let's break this down and see if it is doable in my lifestyle:

Eliminate refined sugar

 - ok do not see this as a huge drawback.  of course, i love sweets and who doesn't?  it totally makes sense to cut it out of your diet no matter what diet you follow - basic diet common sense.  refined sugar is not good for any of us.  i believe moderation is key and try to save the sweets for special occasions.  we do have young children here, so yes we do have cookies and various treats - but even they know they are not to consume at any time.
verdict:  DOABLE

Cook healthy meals:

-totally can do this and have been doing it for some time.  our house is packed with fresh produce, organics, and low fat/sugar free options.  i am constantly looking for recipes to convert into healthy versions to cut back on fat and carbs.  keeping it clean, i think, means using low fat options, no  mayos, dressings, margarines, etc...  NO processed foods.  YES to healthy oils like olive and grapeseed.  YES to healthy dressing like balsamic vinegar, etc...  basically eliminate crap!!  so, no ranch dressing, no kraft mac & cheese, no ball park hot dogs, etc...
verdict:  DOABLE

Pack healthy meals:

-i do not need packed meals, but my daughter does.  she is a little health nut anyway, so her lunches are always good choices with NO sugar treats.
verdict:  DOABLE

Make healthy choices when eating out:

-oh man!  that could be hard...i mean you go out to eat so you do not have to cook - cut loose and have fun.  but, i guess if you are serious about getting fit - it is a change needed to be made.  i can do this...
verdict:  DOABLE

Drink lots of water:

ok - i will admit it.  i HATE the taste of water.  yeah, i know there is no taste.  but it is just too boring for me - however, i totally agree with this concept and believe in the benefits.  i will force myself to chug water and was super happy when mio was developed.  enhances your water without any sugar  or calories.  gives just enough flavor to make it desirable to drink.  using this means i drink tons of water.
verdict:  DOABLE

Eat 5-6 small meals per day:

that comes out to 3 meals with 1-2 snacks.  great idea and i need to work on that.  i tend to be a grazer and snacker - bad, bad habits for dieting.  this will be a work in progress, but i think i can do it. note the key word "small" meals - i think a normal healthy diet should be somewhere around 400-500 calories - so, the mission is to make them count for the good.
verdict:  DOABLE

Eliminates alcoholic beverages (or significantly limits it):

uhhhhhhhh - HOUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM!!!!  OMG - seriously????  i like wine.  i mean, i REALLY like wine.  it is always that perfect thing to have after a long crazy day.  hmmmmmmm, not sure if i even what to give it up - however, i do believe in creating limits.  a common rule that is  encouraged when drinking is to alternate a glass of water per each alcoholic beverage.  i just did this yesterday and it worked wonderfully.  was able to enjoy a couple glasses of wine and consumed tons more water for the day.  another good rule that i have created for myself is to limit wine to weekends, as a treat.  no wine monday-thursday.  it is hard sometimes, but it can be done.

Always eat breakfast:

yes, i make sure everyone in the house has a nice, healthy breakfast.  what is mine you ask?  a double can of diet bad, so very, very bad!!!!  today, i did make a green monster for breakfast.  very simple to make and packed with so many great vitamins, minerals, and fiber.  just need to get back into the habit of doing this for myself.
verdict:  DOABLE

WOW!  a clean diet does not sound so bad - extremely doable, well except for the no wine

i also like how there are no points or calories to count.  that right there is a stress reliever in its self.  according to my bootycamp instructor, changing to a clean diet will totally kick start your diet and those pounds and inches WILL start to come, we will see.  just started this form of diet this past weekend.  YES - on the weekend.  no pizza delivery or chinese take-out.  I prepared all our meals. i bought a "groupon" 12 month membership at  they will create a year's worth of dinner recipes for you and provide a grocery list.  they have a "clean" diet option.  i have made three of the recipes - they were fast & easy to make and really GOOD!  every the husband had seconds!!! 

let see where this takes me....wish me luck!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

just want a sandwich...damn it!!

i like a good sandwich...really who doesn't???  LOVE  - wait, passionately LOVE jimmy johns - which can be a real bad habit!

i do not know what came over me this morning - but i was so ready to get my soon to be two year old son dressed and haul it over to JJ's at 9am for a #12 (beach club, all the way baby).  i didn't - in fact, i have only eaten at JJ's once in the last five months or so - and when i did, it was the veggie on whole grain, ez mayo and i removed most of the, it was kinda, sorta

we did go out though - to the grocery store to get fresh produce for dinners this week - and mommy's morning super rockstar.  well, i am you know....

and we did just that...but there is the bakery right next to the produce department - like who ever thought THAT was a good idea???  the smell of fresh rolls did me in...i am a sucker for a freshly baked onion roll...and that was the end of that.  next thing i know,  my son and i were getting a nice selection of fresh rolls (my husband will certainly appreciate this delicacy for his lunches this week)...then to the deli for real sliced roasted turkey breast, not the processed cold cuts...ok, this is in the right direction - deli meats are fresh and lower in sodium than processed...wohooooo.  yeah, i know, all the fitness minded folks just threw up their arms in utter disgust and shame for me.   like us all, they will get over it...momma wants a sandwich!!!!

i remembered that i had a ripe avocado at home, along with a jar of fire roasted red sandwich dream is all coming more thing to pick up - honey mustard.  already have mayo with olive oil at i think that will do it.

we arrived at home and i hastily made my son's lunch as my sandwich craving was starting to rear its ugly head.  ok - the boy is eating.  time to make my some-what healthy goes:

onion roll - of course!!
one side of roll with olive oil mayo and honey mustard spread
one side of roll with fresh mashed avocado
the filling:
fire roasted red peppers
half slice of colby-jack cheese (or as my kids call it - spotty cheese)
butterball roasted turkey breast (thin sliced - about 3 slices)

i think i inhaled it before my son was done with his  it was outstanding and let me tell you it could have been much, much worse....the sheer amount of bad things i could have added to my sandwich...oh, the bacon, yeah bacon, that totally would have put that sandwich over the top...and more cheese!!!

so, i did it - probably blew most of my calorie count today - but i do have my bootycamp class tonight...i have certainly earned the need for intense work-out.  nope, do not feel guilty - totally satisfied and totally happy with keeping it within a range of some-what healthy items.

glad i did not go to JJ's, as i really would have been feeling the guilt and very full as the sandwich is probably 800 calories...

oh well - all in the day of trying to lose weight.....

Monday, April 23, 2012

ditch the scale????

scale vs.  measuring tape.....

if you read my last post, i was quite frustrated by a recent weight gain.  so, i kept my focus that week and when it came time for my weekly weight in, the three pounds i gained the week before were gone.  so back to the same weight - been the same for quite some time.  so irritating - i mean you work so hard and the scale totally lets you down...or does it???

my weekly weigh in was also my monthly measurement tracking day.  tada.....i had lost another half inch off both my hips and thighs.  so, how could that be - weight going up and down yet stays in the same range - but i have lost inches...clothes fit better....hmmmmmm

so, had to ask myself, why do i weigh myself each week?  being a loyal WW follower - that is what you do, in fact your online page on your weigh day will remind you it is time to get on the scale.  so, it truly is habit.  because of high cost, i did not do WW this time, but sparkpeople...and sparkpeople does not have a reminder about weighing yourself - yes, you can track it - but it is not a large part of your plan.  i am starting to understand why...

read a great article this morning and it really helped put things in perspective.

totally explains that you can lose inches and yet maintain the same weight as you burn fat and develop lean muscle.  i will take lost inches over weight loss any day....glad i looked into this.

yes, i still have some snacking issues - and i am really working hard on that.  but i am relieved and happy to understand whatever i am doing is the right direction and in time the weight will come off...fearing the scale is not a healthy emotion at any time.  will i totally ditch it?  nah....just keep a better perspective of the numbers.    i will change my weigh in to my monthly measurement day...that way i can just concentrate on eating right and exercise.

well, that is enough of a health lesson for today.....

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

what happened to me???

there was a time for me when eating healthy, keeping active and eating the bad stuff in moderation was my normal course of life.  if i did gain a few extra pounds, it was pretty easy to get rid of them.  my focus was spot on and i knew my body and how to take care of it....

that said, here i am soon to be 45 years old and a healthy lifestyle for myself is challenging and hard.  yet, it makes no sense why...i mean, my kids eat very healthy.  there are no juice boxes and crap snacks in our home.  one of my daughter's favorite snacks is raw carrots - and my son could live on unsweetened applesauce 24 hours a day.  they have never eaten white bread, white pasta, or drink soda, kool-aid, etc...they are active and encourage to participate in physical activity all the time....

back to all things in moderation...yes, there are "fun" snacks in the house like oreos, m&m's, kids totally understand they are treats and not something they expect to get on a daily basis or whenever they want.  candy is an extremely controlled commodity in the dillner house.

again - my kids get it - but how did i become the person i swore i would never???  i am a snacker and easily find my way into the "fun" snacks and consumer more than i should. i never was a fan of oreo's, still do not like them, but they sure can find the way into my mouth...just because i am hungry and they fill a quick need.  how stupid does that sound???  very stupid.

i have been on a quest to lose the remaining baby weight from my son- he will be two on may 22nd.  i also have some left over pounds from a time when i was on a high dosage of prednisone (what i call medicine weight) and then the weight gain from pre & post spinal fusion.  i have lost about half of all of this weight gain combined and at this point, i need to lose 15 pounds to be happy and able to start wearing the closet full of clothes i own.  20 pounds would be even more awesome, but all in time.

the recovery from my back surgery is coming along nicely and it just gets stronger every day.  i recently joined a "bootycamp" class once a week to get moving, as well as do a run/walk program on my treadmill three times a week while my son naps.

the good news is that since i started my initiative in february i have lost another 8 pounds which includes 1 inch off my upper arms, one inch off my hips and one inch off my thighs.  sounds awesome, right???  i was pretty happy, until i stepped on the scale this morning and gained 3 pounds back!!!!!!  next week is my monthly-measurement check and i am dreading seeing the results....

frustrating - yes!!!  but, who do i blame...myself!!!  i do a lot of hard work in terms of exercise...completed a 100 day challenge of no fast food and even gave up sweets for lent...yet - i snack.  even if it was not sweets (since i gave it up for lent) - it would be crackers, cheese, chips, pretzels, etc....  some how, keeping that balance of a diet to eat to lose and eat to keep healthy falls short when my cravings are at a high.  not to mention, i love to have a glass or two of wine before bed.  just to wind down from long, crazy days that come with being a SAHM of two young children.

i am human and have become weak.  not the person i once was.  

yes, the weight gain is a set-back, but a reality check of how my actions and bad eating habits are still at large.  i will try again and hopefully get back to being the healthy person i once was....all in step at a time....i can do this....

Thursday, March 15, 2012

have you had a green monster today???

stumbled upon a green monster while visiting one of my fave sites,

it has quickly replaced my breakfast and is now my "go-to" every morning. yes, it is a green smoothie with the primary ingredient being spinach and well, looks and sounds pretty gross! however, green is my fave color and i LOVE spinach, so i thought i would give it a try - as i had all the ingredients on hand.

it was AWESOME - all i tasted was banana and peanut butter - nothing wrong with that. not to mention all the fiber, vitamins and minerals you are getting!! what are you waiting for - give it a is filling and so good for you - provides lots of energy too!!!

green monster (add to blender in the following order - a must to mix evenly)

6-8oz skim milk (i use 8)
1TB ground flax seed
2TB PB2 (love, love, love this stuff)
2 heaping handfuls of baby spinach
4-6oz plain non-fat greek yogurt (depends how much i have left in the )
1 sliced banana

MIX and enjoy!!!!

would love to hear what you think about it - whether you already had your green monster for the day or just tried it for the first time. there are so many other healthy add-ons to the green monster...cannot wait to try them all, but for now - sticking with the original.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

FINALLY, I am back!!!

been meaning to get back to this blog - but time just flies when you are having so much fun!!!

anyhoo - for those that know, i am just shy of 8 months post op from having a spinal fusion to my L5S1 disc. at 6 months post op, my surgeon gave me the "green" light to resume my normal exercise routine, with caution, of course. the last thing we want to do is upset everything i have work so hard on during recovery.

so, here i am, with a lovely 20-25 pounds to lose both from baby jack weight and pre/post surgery. also on a serious budget, so have to find ways to lose weight without spending a lot. since WW online increased their monthly fee (~$20 per month), they are OUT and now sparkspeople online is IN...since they are FREE. i must admit, i did not think i would like it since i am so used to WW, but i really like it a lot and may i say, even better than WW!!! you can track your food, fitness, goals, etc...

next - cannot afford a gym - so my gym is my basement and living room. i have a treadmill, so i spent a mere $2.99 for the couch to 5K app on my phone and do that three times a week. i made the large investment of $75 for a six-week bootycamp class. best $75 i have spent...seriously kicks my azzzzzz and i am jump starting my weight loss while building some serious lean the long run, still saving bunches with only spending on this class.

to help with my evil habits - i gave up all sweets for lent. in january, i committed to 100 days of no fast food!

i have learned to never use the scale as a guide, just a do you feel and how do your clothes fit??? i have more energy these days and my clothes are fitting better!!! my goal is to be back in gear by the end of may...or close to it for my son's second birthday.

i have an entire closet of fabulous clothes that i want to get back into and end my days of being a shlumpadinka!!!

stay tuned - another goal is to keep this blog up once a week - with lots of tips and tricks i am learning.