Monday, March 11, 2013

Improvement is constant

This past weekend kicked off a lot of outdoor races for 2013.  Spring is right around the corner, as well as the St. Patrick's Day holiday so you can find lots of fun races to get you out of your winter funk...that is for us here in the Midwest.  For those that have warm temps year round, there is always a race....

For me, I picked a 5K race nearby my home.  Though the weather was to be upper 40-50 degree temps and clear...that did not happen, it is Chicago after all.  Weather was cold, rainy and damp.  I had my gear ready - specifically a green shirt and some crazy green striped knee socks to join in the "green" theme for march races.  One of my fitness goals for 2013 is to finish a 5K in under 30 minutes.  My last race in December 2012, I finished in 32 minutes, so I was prepared to finish somewhere around 33-31 minutes. My runs since the holidays have been hit or miss, I did get some training in...not as much as I would have liked - but I definitely felt ready for the race.  This would be my 6th 5K since I started my running adventure.  I started training and/or learning to run late July of 2012.  So, I have been doing this for about seven months.  Still a beginner on many levels...

It was cold that morning which didn't bother me so much, knowing I would warm up once I got running.  The rain stopped right as the race was to start - nice play mother nature!!!  So, I was ready... new playlist for the race, and my gear was spot on for comfort.  What I wasn't prepared for and totally taken off my game plan was the HILLS!!  Lots and lots of hills on this course.  All my techniques failed and I found I was having a hard time with the hills...heck, there was even a hill right before you crossed the finish line.  Somehow, I had enough strength left in me to do a mad sprint to the finish after that last hill, to try to save some lost time.  The sprint felt awesome, even better was my friend who also ran this race waited for me after she finished and joined me on that final sprint!

Well, final results came out and I was NOT happy. I finished 35:29.  Freaking hills!!!!

True to my personality, I beat myself up pretty hard because of this...and knew it was time to add hills to my training.  As I mentioned earlier, this is the Midwest...we don't have a lot of hills - but they are out there...I just have avoided them on my runs and my routes are pretty flat.

However, like everything in life, just when you find yourself wallowing in self doubt and self criticism - you have that "AHA" moment that snaps you right out of it and provides much more inspiration for you to move on....

That my friends came from my favorite uncle.  He has been running for over 30 years which includes countless marathons...he is an awesome runner.

The day after my race came another local race, but this was 8K.  I chose not to run this one, as I knew I am not ready to move up in distance.  Three runners in my family were running in this race, along with a good friend.  I was at the race because I am also one of the sponsors and I wanted to cheer everyone on!

It was an awful day for a race.  Cold, rain, and wind.  Everyone was soaked to the bones and COLD!!!  My uncle ran this race and finished.  Both of us waited for my aunt to finish - did I mention they are both 60 years old???  As we waited, soaking wet and shivering....he asked me how I did on my race.  Still very salty over it, I started to tell him how much I sucked and that I needed to add hills to my training.  I mean I am talking to the renowned runner of "Tinley Park"!!!!

Before I could even finish my rant of what an awful runner I am...without hesitation, he looked at me and said, "you will improve and you will continue to improve with your running over the course of the next TEN years"...I was like really, like ten whole years, like who has time for that????  He was serious - and explained to me that it is only going to get better, and this is what it is all about...learning and improving.

WOW!  Is it really that simple???  From that moment on, I stopped feeling sorry for myself.  Realized it has only been SEVEN months and this was my SIXTH 5K.  I have many more runs and races to do, TEN whole years worth!!!  my stride and pace will come.  There will be lots of challenges to face at every race...and from that we learn.  Why be upset???

My aunt did finish that race - soaking wet in a little over an hour.   For my friend, it was her first 8K ever, she is a treadmill runner and never ran a complete race in pouring ran, wind and unavoidable puddles in the cold.   She also super fast cousin in law and uncle.... those two are pro-runners, so of course they finished!!

So in the end...age does not matter, weather does not matter, hills are going be present on some routes, as well as other challenges....JUST DO IT!  everything will fall into place.....

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

when did eating become so complicated????

i remember growing up, when eating did not seem so hard.   as kids, we lived on butternut, WHITE bread.  we drank GRAPE CRUSH & KOOL-AID.  sides were CHEETOS!!  our dinner rotations were always spaghetti nights with WHITE pasta, hot dog night (no such thing as turkey dogs), meatloaf night, pizza night, etc....  yes veggies were found on the dinner table and 98% of the time, it came from a CAN.  there was always dessert.  weekends came with lots of dunkin doughnuts and trips to the ice cream!!!!

and yet, neither me or my siblings ever had weight problems, skin problems, behavior problems, etc....

my parents had the rule of if it was still light outside - get out there and stay out until it was mealtime.  there was NO sitting on the couch watching tv.  we always were involved in sports - may not have been any good - but we were always moving.  on the weekend - it was a family affair outside...if it was lawn care weekend -you bet, everyone had a job to do.

then things changed.......

we were told, go sugar-free, fat-free, don't eat white flour products - only eat whole wheat breads and pasta.  diets soda is better now, it has artificial sweeteners that made it taste like the real thing...not like radiator fluid  - aka Tab (oh god, i used to drink Tab by the case!)

now it is time for no carbs, limit protein, eat lots of protein, no carbs after 6pm, eat breakfast, don't eat breakfast, no red meat, eat red meat...

and just recently...DON"T eat whole wheat products...they add all kinds of gluten, bad for your gut...better off eating the white pasta!!!!


and now we enter the new wave of eating - "CLEAN EATING".

this one for the most part seems pretty easy - no refined sugars, no processed foods, basically no junk....

oh wait, there is also PALEO - the newest concept.  i have not done enough research on that one yet...since quite frankly i am sick of it all!!!!

every time i turn around, another health expert is changing the rules....

i am thinking maybe i should just go back to the basics, feeding my family food from the core food groups like always.  keeping us all engaged in active sitting on the couch, no video games, etc.  granted, i will most likely not feed my kids butternut bread and kool-aid, but things just seemed so much simpler and easier back then.

i have been keeping a food journal for myself.  it is crazy...trying to eat clean and healthy, making sure i have the right mix of good carbs and protein.  getting enough veggies, no carbs after 4pm, drink at least a gallon of water everyday....  then late at night, i get hungry...REAL HUNGRY, i make bad, bad choices and blow it all to hell.  then i start all over again the next day.  it's no wonder why so many of us struggle with the whole "eat right" concept.  i think there are just TOO MANY RULES!!!!

thinking my new way may just be to fly by the seat of my pants...use common sense & good judgement.

whew...i needed to vent this today.

there just has to got to be a better way.....

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Tales from a South Side Boot(Y)camp Babe....

sorry kids - i kinda blew off my blog for the last six months - but been a little busy KICKING SOME ASS! my ass, that is......

since i left you, i did complete that first 5K ever....proceeded to do four more 5K's (each with a better time) and completed one monster obstacle race, the midwest super spartan!  yes, i showed up and finished them all!!

at this time, i would like to dedicate this blog entry to another milestone anniversary in my life.  it was this time one year ago that i stepped into my first "Boot(Y)camp class.  i was exactly seven months post-op from my spinal fusion procedure to my L5S1 disc.  had no idea the adventure that would be starting with that very first class.......

but let's go back a bit.....within a five year period, i had three major surgeries.  two c-sections for the birth of my children (one emergency and one scheduled).  one year after the birth of my son, i had my spinal fusion.  it was performed through my abdominal area, not through my back, very invasive.  bottom line - my core was done....stripped of any strength that i once had.  my recovery would include having to rebuild the strength of my core - not such an easy task.

i stayed in the hospital for four days.  once home, i was on bed rest for about two weeks, then semi-bed rest for another two weeks.  when i did get out of bed, i used a walker to assist my walking.  soon after, i began physical therapy.  most people after having this procedure require 3-4 weeks of physical therapy.  not me!!! i required THREE MONTHS at three times every week.  i am very blessed, i had two fantastic surgeons that performed my fusion, but even better was the physical therapist that my surgeon recommended.  he were fantastic.  the minute i walked through the door - he examined me, explained everything that just happened to my core and lower back since having the procedure and what would happen after i completed my therapy.  he also informed me that my posture was completely off - i had no idea, no one ever told me that before.  happy to say, after my three months of therapy - i now stand upright with no posture problems!!

i graduated from my therapy, it was a long journey.  upon leaving, we were just starting to have me add a plank to my core exercises to do at home - i barely could do 5 seconds, let alone 10 seconds...but my therapist informed me that it would get better - as long as i continue with my core program.

rules after i graduated:

NO running
NO twisting
NO bending
NO lifting weights

so, with that i started walks on the treadmill and continued my at-home therapy.

now, i am approaching my six month-post op appointment.  at the same time, i start to notice this "musclemomfitness" van in the parking lot at my daughter's dance studio.  had me i googled it later that night.  I was in love - it was every thing i want in an exercise program...i get bored easily with exercise programs and this seemed to be what i wanted.  i had some left over baby weight from my son and all this new pre and post-op weight...i wanted it off, but knew i had so many restrictions.  i was SO antsy!!  before my fusion, i used to be very active...pretty much the only thing i did not do was running, yeah, i am also a severe asthmatic!  could i be any more broken????

so i sent this "musclemomfitness" an email, explaining my situation and to see if it could work.  she responded back to me within the hour.  turns out, both our daughters were in the same ballet class - so we agreed to meet at the studio after the girls started class.  it had to be a sight, here was patti (the musclemomfitness lady) doing all the exercises and asking, "can you do this, can you do that, what about this?????, etc..." was funny!  we both agreed that i would take the list of exercises with me to my follow-up appointment with my surgeon to find out if i can do all these things, along with getting my much awaited "green light" to go beyond walking on the treadmill.  maybe this is why i loath the treadmill so much....

appointment day came - passed with flying colors on my progression of recovery.  he happily gave me the "green light" to exercise and be free, "but don't go doing any crazy, hardcore class".....hahahahahahaha...then i told him i wanted to join a "bootcamp" class...he looked at me, thought for a bit of time and then told me, " i do not want to hold you back.  promise me you will do the following in this class:  1.  use your back as your guide.  if the movement hurts your back, modify until your are stronger.  2.  modify all exercises for bending and twisting until you are healed enough to do them."  AGREED!!!

joined patti's class and told her my restrictions and if she sees me doing a modification, that was why.

so, i entered session one of bootycamp for the first time one year ago.  i was out of shape and had some major limitations.  i was not so much afraid of what we were going to do - i was more afraid of what i couldn't do and may not be able to finish the class.  well, that didn't happen.

patti always provided a modification for all her exercises.  if she seen me struggle or i told her i could not do a certain steps - she always provided another way so i COULD do it.  the women in the class were unbelievable...i was the new girl, the weak link.  they did not know of my back issues -yet were super supportive and cheered me on.

i completed all but one of the classes in that first six week session - came close to throwing up a few times.  most of my movements were modified and some were a pretty sad version of the real thing - but i did it.

i came back for the next session, and the next, and the next, and the next.....during that time had my 9 month and 12 month post-op visits with my surgeon.  he was amazed to say the least of my progress.  i could easily bend over and touch my toes....there was a time when that was not a simple task for me to do.  he was happy that i followed his advice and thrilled that i was now strong enough to not need all the modifications in class.  i also informed him that i had registered to do my first 5K that september, and then a super spartan in october 2012....he nearly fell off his chair.  he was beyond happiness that his surgery was a success for me and it showed!  he encouraged my activity - but of course, followed it up with a "please be careful"....

speed up to today....18 months post-op.  2013.  my surgeon does not want to see me for another two years...he is that confident in me :)

i am so thankful i spotted the musclemomfitness van - contacted patti and joined the class.

i am a faithful follower and encourage everyone to join the fun with me.

i am signed up for over 5 obstacle races this year (including TWO super spartans) and many 5K races.

i CAN do burpees, mountain climbers, hot coals, planks (went from 5 seconds to my longest of 1.5 minutes), sprints, flip tractor tires, squats, lift weights, bend, twist, jump, AND MORE!!!

 i don't think i ever would have even considered doing any of these if it wasn't for patti and the bootycamp girls.  for that, i am forever grateful.   they encouraged and supported my quest for strength.  they do this for everyone who enters the door.  i could not imagine not being a part of this badass, fitness-crazed group of girls.  i love sharing our torturous classes together, i love being able to toe the line with you girls, and i love crossing the finish line with you...even the times when you have to physically push me over that finish line.

cannot wait to see what the next year will bring....  maybe, just will be coming back....


check out the hottie!!!!  this is me pre-kids in cancun...not sure if i will ever have abs like that again...but it is sure fun trying!!!